Wednesday, January 28, 2004

~ Accountancy S.U.C.K.S ~

Where does the future lie for studying hard, getting a degree and working your butt up the coporate ladder for the rest of your life? "

Ever asked yourself this question?

I'll graduate in another 1/1/2 years. If i'm lucky i'll get a decent 2nd lower degree or some pass with merit crap like the rest of the dont know how many hundred graduates every year. I'll get into either one of the big 4s or some small sized dead-end private accounting firm, slog like a dog either way from 8am-8pm for a measly $1.8k starting salary at a job i not only do not have a flair for, but f___ing detest, have no nor anything close to what u could call a life whatsoever due to the mad working hours and simple mental exhaustion from looking at a bloody boring screen doing a bloody boring job for the rest of my bloody boring life and die a virgin. :X

Screw this i say. If i had my way, i'd stuff this accountancy degree up the dean's big fat ass, or whoever's big fat ass that happens to be in the way, change course to something i do have at the very least a minute interest in. Well, that thought has been on the top of my mind these few days actualli... changing courses... hmmmm....

Well, i just HAD to bitch about my course.. its a pain in the ass.... a thorn in the flesh... a malay in my face (YES, I AM RACIST)! Screw this.. i only have one life, and i sure ain't gona spend in holed up in some office slogging away under piles and piles of files. Screw the profession. Screw the starting pay. Screw you if u are an accountant. :X


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