Monday, February 02, 2004

~ Can You Feel My Pain ~

I H.A.T.E tutorials with a capital F.
They're a bore, a pain. 2 hour sessions of nonsensical ramblings by balding, porkbellied professors with bad breadth. They drone on and on in monotone, lulling u to sleep. As i cling on desperately to the last shreds of consciousness, one stark question stares me in the face: "WHY THE ___k AM I ___king HERE WASTING MY ____king TIME!"
Tutorial Mates
I take a look around the room. 'My My', i think to myself, 'its discovery channel' : Walkng With Dinosaurs! How, Why, When, Where did NTU Accountancy get the reputation of having the prettiest girls? Pretty my foot. My ass. My All-the-rest-of-my-anatomy-that-offends. One glance around the cold tutorial room made me even colder and suddenly, being crucifed and burnt in a blazing fire seemed a nice, warm and welcoming alternative than staying a second more in Jurassic park.
Saturday. Marketing Tutorial. Crawl, Climb, Tumble out of bed and drag my heavy body, heart and soul to class at ____king 8.30A.M. Pisses me off right from the start. Deep breadths, Alex. It would be an interesting lesson i tried to console myself as i stepped into the class. My Jaw dropped. My eyes bulged. My veins protruded. HALF THE _____KING CLASS WAS BANGLAH. Anger with a magnitude and intensity I can only describe as Titanic, Galactic, Gargantuan, Behemothic welled up and it was all i could do to resist screaming like a mad man into the room and impaling each and every nigger with a deliciously sharp stake. Thank god my group was the only group without a single nigger, else not only would violent objections be raised, violence itself would happily join the party. 2 hours of endurance, murmurred cursing and short intakes of breadths marked the end of my first Marketing tutorial.



At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Saner said...

My husband was more than a man when we got married , but after giving him a baby girl he started to neglect me and he disappeared with another woman until i used love spell which brought him back in 4days.
I was confident on his spell because my two sister has confirm his powerful spell before.
My family is united and back together again in love and happiness all by the help of this spell caster who is so awesome in his spell.
thank you my spell caster,i will never forget you!


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