Sunday, February 22, 2004

~ Warped Insights into the Harsh Realities of Life.3 ~

Where are all the Single, Pretty, Sweet little things called Women? Zero... Zilch... Kaput.
Where's LOVE? Zero... Zilch.. Kaput.

Wake up people, there ain't no longer such a thing as a Single, Available, Pretty women. They're pretty much snapped up, taken, and f___ed senseless(Crude but true, sorry :X). There ain't not a single one left standing. Zero... Zilch.. KAPUT. (Now all of u know where my nick comes from)
Face it, this is a new era. Women are in control. They are empowered. They are empowered with the right to choose. Every moderately decent female has at least a few flies around her at any given point in time. In fact, flies start agglomerating around them at the tender age of 14, give or take 2 years depending on how fast they hit puberty and start to have boobys.
Assume that every adequate female you meet is attached, married, bought or cohabiting, and you wont be too far off the mark. Those who dont belong to the above are either grossly lacking in the looks department, insane, lesbian, or choose not to have a relationship. Either way, no luck for you horny bastards in the latter category :X
So, whats the solution to this dire situation. Only one: KOPING! (GF stealing for the benefit of those who are impaired in the dialects department)
Its a pretty good solution realli. Firstly, there are less flies around an attached gal than a girl in the single, transition phase. Second, attached girls are a dime a dozen, easy to find, so u can take your pick. Less effort, Less competition. :P You gota have extreme luck to even meet a girl whos in that single, transition phase.
Why do i call it the Single, transition phase? Well, its self explainatory! the Single phase IS a transition phase for girls. Once single, the hounds, the flies, the hyenas all converge, locked on their targets. I dont believe for even a split second a girl can keep her word when she says she " Wanna remain single for now" Bullshit. :P
Yes, its the onli way to survive and carryout our god-given right at procreation. One man's misfortune is another man's fortune. Its a dog eat dog world out there. Nah, i'm just justifying this horrible deed. :P Alas, its a vicious circle. I dont make the world, I just live in it :X
Plain Sophism i know, But its MY diary! Rawrr!


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