Tuesday, March 09, 2004

~ Being a M.A.N ~

We M.E.N certainly have it hard these days.
Gone are the days when the title of 'Man' is automatically conferred on u when u hit puberty, or age 21, whichever comes first.
Gone are the days when being a man entails being confortably chauvinistic, head of the family, commanding, authoratative, imposing, hollering at the women, slapping them into line, overall big fuck... those were the days.. *Sigh* :P
Gone are the days when being a man equates getting a woman at the snap of his fingers, tilt of his eyebrows or simply touching her hand and shes yours for keeps. Multiple hand touch and u're a war hero. Polygamy is dead. BooHoo.
We M.E.N have it hard these days. Its the 21st century ppl, the century of mellowing out, or get out. On our shoulders descends the heavy burdens and huge complexities of being a 21st century man.
In the past, we could get away with hollering for our food, telling women to fucking shut their trap up or she'll eat my fist, murder even, if u just claim the women is a slut. Today, say anything remotely sexist, wait, say anything even remotely resembling that u are implying that u're sexist and u're a MCP. You plunge from hero, to zero. Hello social outcastism. You're practically the same status as the freakin banglahs along the road(YAY, managed to squeeze something racist in).
So we mellow down, we treat them as equals. But no.. treating them as equals means u're not gentlemanly. U're bloody uncouth, crude and dont know how to treat girls right. No, u cant be sexist, or MCP, but u need to treat girls right. Hello social outcastism again. Welcome back. You're starting to become a regular here arnt u.
So we go the S.N.A.G route. We feeeeel. We seeense. We empathizzze. We're she-males. We become pussies. 'He's so sensitive. I cant stand it, why cant he be a man.' Hello social outcastism. De javu. My my, you've been awarded PR status in this class already.
Tip of the iceberg really. Today, every horny dick has to have a semblance of what is mentioned above, or at least act the part. Admit with pride that you're the M.A.N of the ancients, and u can wear ur virginity around u with pride too.:P So they act the part, throw in some product differentiation, cost leadership, and price competitiveness for good measure, and let the wo.M.A.N choose, like whores in a meathouse lining up for prospective clients.
So much for machoism, bravado and a strong fist.
I'll just turn ghey, thank you very much. Fuck off. :X


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