Tuesday, March 30, 2004

~ U're My Inspiration ~

I have some Serious Inspiration Issues.
Or Lack of it. Code red. Code redder than Red. Neon Red. Those kind that flashes, twirls and brightly illuminates with the accompanyment of sirens.
I wanna write brilliant, witty, droll, enchantingly engaging, whimsically comical, thought invoking, 'wow' inducing, ego boosting, skirt dropping(chicks getting so turned on by my intellectual genius they just wanna drop their skirts and bed me) entries.
But i'm dry. My brain juices are like the final trickles of a stream drying up during a long drought. The last grain of sand falling through an hourglass. The last withered leave floating down from a shedding tree as Winter assails the land. The last crackle of fire from a smoldering log.
It never fails to amaze me how people, writers, journalists, can go on and on and on about a single topic for one, two, three pages. I'm astounded at how that particular girl i mentioned in my previous entry (this horny biatch who has a popular blog where horny bastards peruse and mentally masturbate to her pic) can write a whole page just talking about Orgasms. I'm impressed at how Maddox (this American who has one of the highest web traffic in the world just talking poking hilariously crude fun at everything) can write such side-splitting humor on inconsequential topics like how big his balls are. I'm appalled at how Mr. Brown(this journalist who's witty and also has his own blog online with a cult following) can write one page columns for Today newspaper everyday(is it everyday? not sure bout this), even though he uses materials which i dispise and personally consider socially and mentally unacceptable(way overkill on the NS jokes). I'm bamboozled at how a certain Ella can write entry after entry, multiple entries in a single day, wave after wave of thoughts and feelings down.
These ppl have brain juices the likes of cascading waters of a waterfall. If i drilled a hole in their head their brains would be spurting out like a geyser, hitting the ceiling and spashing the room a delightful red.
SO i look around for some mental arousal, some spark of genius, some intellectual stimulus, seeing as thats how most writers get inspirations for their works.
Nope, nothing at skool. Only feeling i get invoked nowadays in skool is that of rage. Its not even anger anymore... Anger which has levelled up, key in the secret cheat to get invincibility mode (up down left right A B A B select start) = Rage. I could try to write about it but most probably if i start i wouldnt be able to finish my entry before i have to be physically restrained from pounding on the computer screen repeatedly with the mouse or keyboard or maybe gnawing on some innocent passerby's hand who has already been beaten senseless by me and lying in a bloody pulp on the floor(Mental note to myself, NEVER use my own computer to type school related entries).
Nope, nothing in my love life. What love life? I could write stale topics on love etc, but seeing as how my views are socially and morally unacceptable to many, bordering on soft porn, i'd just cause many of u to either leave entries disagreeing with me or uncontrollably doubling over in orgasmic spasms and maybe some uninhibited fondling of urself which would undoubtably do severe damage to ur reputation (but wonders to your sex life:X) if u made the mistake of reading my entries during work or in school (well, if u were home then i'm happy that u're deriving pleasure in more ways than one from my entry, but the risk is too great, no? :X). <--- My my, my longest sentence yet.
Nope, nothing about friends around me. Well, there's alot happening to friends around me(DAMN U FARKERS! WHY IS EVERYONE MORE HAPPENING THAN ME! I SHALL SMITE YE WITH MA HOLY FIST!), but taking into consideration my language and the sharp, unforgiving tone which i write in, commenting on my friends' lives would only reduce the lifespan of the friendship, them having to be physically restrained from pounding on the computer screen repeatedly with the mouse or keyboard or maybe gnawing on some innocent passerby's hand who has already been beaten senseless by them and lying in a bloody pulp on the floor and all...
Nope, nothing from the Banglahs either. I'm making way too many racist jokes already, and i'm repenting :X (NOT).
Oh GOD, Give me something to write about!


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