Saturday, April 10, 2004

~ Partial Lobotomy and Me ~

Relationships & Partial Lobotomy.
Two seemingly different ideas with no signs of convergence anywhere in sight but that might just be PERFECT together. Like Chocolate and Peanut Butter. Like TV and Computers. Like Claudia and Valerie (I meant that it would be PERFECT having 2 girls in my arms, one on each side, enjoying some sensual erototic threesome fun, so u biatches dont even try to guess who these new names are coz they are entirely ficticious:P).
Think how much easier it would all be, if there was some swift surgical procedure to whisk away all the ugly memories and mistakes, and leave only the fun trips and special holidays. How we can preserve the candy-coated, disgustingly sweet and false sense of happiness of a relationship and get rid of its bitter aftertaste with a simple poke in the brain.
But until that day arrives, what can we do?
Rely on the same needle-point philosophy of 'Forgive and Forget'? And even if a couple or an individual can manage the 'forgiveness', has any ever really conquered the 'forgetness'?
An act of infidelity. A spiteful retaliation. A brainless comment.
Everyone has the capacity in him/her to hurt, to inflict pain, emotionally, physically, spiritually?, etc, and these leave lasting inexpungible scars somewhere. We might forgive them for their pig-headedness, their lack of control over their genitals, or their absence of a brain, but at times when u least expect, some painful incident lurking within the recesses of your mind creeps out of its hiding place and pounds on u unawares. You feel a deep pang of sadness. Or a sharp stab of anger. Or maybe a dull ache of disappointment. And you repress it yet again, slapping that recollection into submission, give it a kick in the butt and shut it back in its cage somewhere deep down. Until the next time it breaks out.
So many monsters deep down, so little space for them.
Can u ever really forgive, if u can't forget?
I can't. I'm a Scorpio. Its hard enuff for us to forgive, much less forget. We're vindictive, spiteful, and we prick like thorn.
Prick me, and i'll stab both ur hands with various exquisitely sharp contraptions. Betray me, and i'll exact sweet revenge tenfold. Be unfaithful and u shall not have the chance to enjoy the pleasures of procreation no more! Rawrrrr~~
I think i really need partial lobotomy sometimes. :X


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