Saturday, May 15, 2004

~ Lots and Lots and Lots of it ~

What is the most abundant thing in the world?

IS it silicon oxide(is it silicon oxide? My chem teacher was a balding pork bellied old fool who spews saliva as he talks, drenching first row and second row students alike indiscriminately. My forte was history, my history teacher was a hot slut with big boobs. Point made. :X) aka the fine grains of stuff u find at beaches where hot women in skimpy-to-the-point-of-ripping or make-u-wanna-rip-them-off-point bikinis walk, roll and lie in and which stick to their healthy deliciously brown sun baked glossy skin and just makes u have the urge to commit some base, immoral, lewd, sinful crime... *cough*.. i Digress.
IS it Oxygen? The stuff that gives sustenance to every living creature, moral or corrupt, on this earth that we walk on? The matter that those hot women in skimpy-to-the-point-of-ripping or make-u-wanna-rip-them-off-point bikinis breathe in and makes their bosoms heave and sigh, up and down, causing involuntary spasms to half the human population who have dicks and 1/4 of the human population who do not have a dick but think they have one? *cough* I digress again :X
IS it H2O? Water that falls in the form of torrential rain, enveloping the world in a shower of sky juice. Water that mingles with soot, dust and smoke to blanket the world in a dreamlike mist. Water that drip off the leaves of trees at dawn as sweet morning dew. Water that glistens off the pearly white skin of women in the midst of various unspeakable exertions.... *cough*

Nope. The most abundant, plenteous, copious, bounteous thing in the world is.. CRAP.
Bullshit, lies, guile, misstatements, slander, subterfuge, they all come under the big umbrella of papa CRAP. 90-99% of what a person says in his/her lifetime -----> Crap.
Ill conceived theories and hypotheses of life, women, and the world in general, CRAP. (Yes, i have alot of those, i dont deny they are crap. But try refuting if u can. Hrrmph! :P)
Sweet nothings whispered in a tender loving voice in order to get a girl to lose her panties, CRAP. (Yes, i have alot of those too, many have lost their panties, but i haven found any, damn where have all those panties gone <-- more crap. ^_^)
Junk in colossal textbooks required to be memorized and regurgitated but never appropriately applied to the real world, CRAP.
Empty ideology spoken with firm conviction in a moment of brainless self contemplation, CRAP.
Lame excuses to cover up for one's misdeeds and misgivings, CRAP.

Few billion people in the world, trillions, zillions, gazillions of crap produced everyday. Crap wins hands down. I've just produced another pageful of it. Hurray.


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