Tuesday, November 16, 2004

~ Listening Disability ~

'Hi, can i have a popcorn chicken meal, upsize, change the cheesefries to a medium whipped potato and i'll have rootbeer for the drink. Takeaway.'
Short, sharp, concise, spoken in an audible volume. Considering the fact that service personnel service customers many hours a day every day, they're bound to get it right right right? SO TOTALLY WRONG.
*i mentally roll my eyes up and see my huge brain.
'Yes, upsize everything, and i want a medium whipped potato instead of the cheese fries.'
That is be an additional 50cents ok?
'Yeah, sure.'
The service person then went to open the whipped potato cabinet and finds no medium whipped.
Solly, no more medium whipped.
'Hmm, then change it to a large whipped? How much would that cost?"
That is 1 dollar more hor.
Service person then proceeds to change the orders on his order taking device, turns back to the SAME whipped potato cabinet and swivels around like an idiot.
Ehhhh, no more large whipped oso. I change to 4 small whipped for u k.
*Mentally chortles moron and smashes his brains with helmet. 1 large whipped potato doesnt seem too much, but 4 small whipped? How the fuck am i going to finish 4 small whipped?
In the meanwhile, he fills up my drink with COKE.
'Excuse me, i ordered ROOTBEER.'
Without even seeming apologetic, and i think i even detected a faint tsk escaping from him, he took the drink behind and i could hear him loud as thunder explain
'Customer dowan drink want to change'.
I swear i'd pounce over the counter, grab him screaming by the hair and inflict unmentionable bodily pain and grevious hurt on him if i wasn't
1) Still groggy on sleep and the audacity of that fucking sentence only sunk in when i reached my hall,
2) A lover, Not a fighter. (Well, this definitely applies to anyone bigger than me, and since a high percentage of people fall in this category, this sentence is generally true.) BTW, he wasn't bigger than me!
3) In a v good mood coz Zhang ZiYi just made a cameo appearance in my dream and wished me 'happy birthday' in her birthday suit. Thereafter performing unspeakable NOTTI acts which i could only dream of to me. Ok, I'm in a good mood again. WAHAHAAHA.
Basically the main reason why that moron didn't have an accelerated departure from this world was due to reason #3. :P
How dumb can KFC service personnel be? No wonder KFC is going into the dumps. His being malay shows how extremely happy i was just now.


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