Sunday, October 31, 2004

~ The Little Statue ~

There it stood, a relic of awesome power. It was exquisitely carved, though much of it's surface was chipped and scarred by the harsh passage of time. Many would look upon it and consider it grosteque and sinister, it's face a devious mask, mouth spread wide in a maniac grin, but those were just the opinions of the misguided and ignorant, not to be taken to heart. To us, this was a face contorted in agony, being the bearer of our pain. To us, it was smiling benevolently down at us, willing to forgive our sins and accept us into his warm embrace. To us, it was the core of our being, our very reason of existence. There it stood, a rerlic of awesome power, suffused with the belief and adoration of multitudes.
I turned my head around, it being the only movable part of me. My eyes took in the horde of estatic faces, all turned in my direction. Every hood had been pulled back and everyone stood motionless in their black robes, eyes raptured upon the sight before them. A single shaft of moonlight in the middle of the warehouse provided illumination to the raised platform where i was, creating a hauntingly serene, eerily tranquil picture of beauty. Hushed silence enveloped the growd, none wanting to disrupt this moment of perfectness and break the magic spell. I felt a brief flicker of amusement that such a huge crowd could make so little noise, every single faceless person like a little toddler awaiting his next sweet. The corners of my mouth twitched up into a slight semblance of a smile.
Surveying the crowd, my limbs bound tightly and slightly painfully to the crucifix, my naked body glistening with sweat in the humid, musky smelling building, i felt no shame nor embarrassment, for none looked at me in that light. Instead, all i could feel in their gaze was reverence, perhaps tinged with a little trace of envy, for all present knew that i was going to join HIM in his paradise soon and many longed to be in my place, yet feared to be in it at the same time. I shifted my eyes and let them fall lovingly upon it. The little statue, believed by all within my cult to be the medium where our great god resided, stood upon the altar.
The time had come. The sea of black robes parted and a solitary figure, cloaked in red, approached. In his hands carried a red velvet cushion, upon which rested an ornate dagger, most sacred of artifacts in our cult. I smiled a beatific smile at the sight of my destiny taking step after resolute step towards me, my entire poise barely concealing my anticipation. He climbed the steps to the platform, every single footstep echoing power and unyielding certainty in the utter silence. Standing before me, i looked into his eyes for the first time. They were red-rimmed and seemed almost maniac and buldging, but i knew that that was just religious fervor, for he was about to perform the most holy of acts and I, the most blessed one would be delivered into HIS warm embrace.
"It is time." He announced to the gathered throng. He took up the dagger, raised it above his head with both hands tightly gripped around the handle, and I could feel thousands sucking in and holding their breadths. I took one last look at the little statue and closed my eyes, enveloping myself in the calm of my inner peace. It was only momentarily punctuated by a short, sharp pain before i found real peace.

This title caught my eye while i was giving tuition so wrote this during the one hour while i was waiting for my student to finish his compo. My first compo in like.....hmm... 6 years? Wheeee..
Though i guess i would fail my 'O' Levels if i wrote this for my exams due to the objectionable material, but who gives a fuck about stuffy primp and proper faggot examiners!


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