Wednesday, November 03, 2004

~ 2046 ~

I don't care about depth, I don't care about filmatography. I don't care how long a movie took to be made, nor how much it costed to make that movie.
I only care what a movie was meant to do... to engage the audience. To envelope the person watching the movie in darkness and open up a whole new world to his/her eyes, to bedazzle him/her with sights and sounds they might never ever experience in their short, insignificant lives, to grip the viewer by the hair screaming and flinging him/her into another dimension, where anything and everything is possible and where the line between fiction and reality blurrs. It is in the movies where mundane worries about school, work, love and even life comes to a standstill and nothing matters for that two short, precious hours where the plot of a titanic story unfolds before you, where a person jaded and weary seeks refuge and sanctuary from the trials and burdens afflicted on him/her. That's what the movies mean to me. It is so much more than pure entertainment. It is my asylum, it is the window for my mind's eyes to look out and behold things beautiful, things amusing, things thought invoking, things mentally stimulating. And no movie is ever a waste of time or money to me, for I see beauty in every movie, no matter how cock, how lame, how corny, how cheesy the movie is rated to be. Maybe i have a weird sense of humor, or a twisted outlook, for i feel much mirth and find much to laugh at and comment about regardless of what movie i watch. I try to catch every movie that hits the screens, except horror (YES! I HAVE TOO GOOD AND VIVID AN IMAGINATION! YES! I AM A PUSSY!) I'm a movie potato, and proud of it.
Estee did a very very very good review of the movie, clap clap, and i more or less had the same feelings about the plot. It was pretty intuitive and i didnt put it into words nor did i feel an urge to, but she did a pretty great job :) Read it
here. Anyway, many have commented about the show, but i feel that EVERYONE missed the main point on why the show ROCKS despite the v accurate sypnosis of the show by Estee.

I found that the show shook the world and swept me off my feet for these following reasons:
1) Godhood. Tony Leung's character was GodLy in the show. His Immortal self had women falling at his feet at every turn. How he managed to exude such animal magnetism despite the totally grossed out greesy hair and stomach-curling moustach was ineffable and celestial. The ease and charm at the way he pulled off those flirtatious lines which would totally sound disgusting and cheesy coming from any others' mouths has struck a high benchmark of coolness in my books (NO, THE THINGS HE SAID DID NOT SOUND FAMILIAR SKYE_BLUE, NO I DEFINITELY HAVE NOT USED THOSE LINES BEFORE! *stuffs fingers in ears and whistles*). The poise and calm which he handled the slap adminstrated by ZhangZiYi was the epitome of suaveness and him being totally sangfroid to the threat of another slap across the other cheek which so utterly turned the tables on her was simply divine. The raw lust and passion he awoke in the women who had the misfortune to cross his path, them knowing full well it was emotional suicide to succumb to him yet being helpless to control themselves, like moths flocking towards a flame. One word. GOD.
2) The ultimate sexual fantasy. <---- ZhangZiYi. In terms of looks, who can complain. Stunning good looks coupled with a goddess's body, clad in tight cheongsams with high slits accentuating those precipitous curves and fatal contours. The devil's voice, so totally oozing sex appeal and so totally flirtatious, yet sometimes deepening into one with a hard edge tinged with danger. The heavenly moans of pleasure that issued from that husky throat during those passionate episodes could have so easily caused premature ejaculation in the less experienced(U LOSERS!) :X . Her ferocity in the act of love making, her expertise in the arts of copulation, the daringness in giving and receiving pleasure, her genuine delight and love for mutual gratification, the NOTTINESS of her frolicks were just too much to wish for. One word. GODDESS.
3) As if those two above reasons were still insufficient for even someone dense and more than a little retard to see the beauty of this movie, you get to marvel at the 60s. Back then, things were so much simpler. Black and white was so much more distinct then. No false pretenses, no pseudos. People seemed somehow more real. They acknowledged they were black, they were wanton, they wallowed in sin and they were not afraid to admit it. They lived in the moment, they didn't search for answers, perhaps because they lacked the mental and intellectual capacity for deep brooding and reflection, but they definitely did not strike me as leading empty, shallow lives. Retrospectively, our mindless pursuit of academic excellence or ceaseless, repetitive everyday work seem even more empty and shallow in the light of my scrutiny. At the very least they were having more fun:(.

These were the reasons why 2046 was a great movie to me, and i hope that this perspective was new and refreshing, though it might be abit twisted and warped :P. But i am Kaputt! I am twisted and warped, and I am unique and i shall strive to attain Godhood! :P


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